They came up with the conclusion that there are 7 different types of people in the world:
The Explorer - Their core need in life is for discovery
The Aspirer - Their core need in life is for status
The Succeeder - Their core need in life is for control
The Reformer - Their core need in life is for enlightenment
The Mainstream -Their core need in life is for security
The Struggler - In essence, the seek escape
The Resigned - In life, their aim is basic, survive
Our documentary will target a primary audience of the explorer and a secondary audience of the reformer. we came to this conclusion due to the fact are documentary is informative and it teach our audience something that occurs in all of us. This research helped us to profile our audience in more depth (something our initial audiecne research couldn't do). Our initial research tells us where to advertise our product.
In summary, our target audience is, someone that takes pleasure in learning new thing, roughly, 16+, and needs a sense of enlightenment.
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