Tuesday 11 December 2012

Tips for Video Production Editing

We found a great website that had tips on production of a documentary that we thought would help us, They are:   
Create a compelling beginning. 
Great documentaries capture the audience’s attention right away! It can be style or content, but it must be something that feels unusual to the viewer. If you don’t create intrigue and or rouse curiosity, you will lose your audience. One idea is to start with something already deep in the story, then you can back up and slowly begin to reveal answers.

[Helpful hint: Sometimes the beginning of the film is not obvious until you’ve edited the bulk of your film. So just put SOMETHING down at the beginning to get you started, then you can go back.]

Build a “Roller Coaster”
Once you have the basic story structure in place, this is where you start creating the filmmaking experience. Change up the rhythm of your story. If the story has the same rhythm, no matter if it’s all fast or all slow, it will “feel” slow and boring. There needs to be fast sections and slow sections. Take your audience on a RIDE. Mix up the pacing with high points and low points. Take viewers on a “wild ride” and then let them breath. Create chaos and then let the event “sink in”. Remember, silence can be just as powerful as a fast paced sequence.

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